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Kaiser Health -- Everything Old Is New Again?

July 24, 2023 2:58 PM | Karen Campbell (Administrator)

As you read this article remember: ICHRAs are defined contribution health reimbursement arrangements to empower American workers to choose their favorite ACA-compliant plans on the individual marketplace. "ACA-compliant" is a crucial designation, since it includes anti-discrimination protections against pre-existing conditions, age, gender, etc. ICHRAs, like QSEHRAs, can only be used to purchase fully compliant ACA health insurance.

In this article, Julie Appleby at KFF Health News delves into various health policy proposals, including the CHOICE Act which began its life as draft legislation to codify ICHRA. Other items were added to the legislation on its journey to becoming a bill, including policy proposals for insurance products that are not ACA compliant. If you are new to HRA‘s, just remember that ICHRAs equal anti-discrimination, ACA-compliant health insurance.

Read the story.

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